Nutritional blood chemistry is available from your GP under Medicare (or privately) and encompasses a broad range of markers. A wonderful tool for ongoing health that Kerryelle recommends all her clients do annually as part of their wellness check-up.
Markers are used to evaluate blood sugar handling (hypoglycaemia, Type II Diabetes), cardiovascular function, identify anaemias and other nutritional deficiencies. They also cover thyroid regulation, physiology and metabolism whilst providing insights into the immune system as well as the detoxification organs including evaluating and supporting the liver/gallbladder and renal system.
When viewed from a functional lens which is not diagnosing end state pathologies, these markers can be used to guide you to support your body to feel optimal!
Microbiome mapping (GI-Map, CMM) is done via a stool sample that assesses the status of the microbiome. It can detect pathogens, bacterial infections such H. pylori and SIBO, parasites and worms as well as assessing a range of GI health markers for an understanding of the overall health of your GI tract. Additionally, inflammatory processes can be detected and the balance of the good bacteria versus the opportunistic (or bad guys!) assessed and rebalanced as required. The diversity of your gut microbiome directly impacts the gut brain axis (fun fact we make serotonin our happy hormone in the gut), so its health is essential to your good health! Usually combined with ALCAT food sensitivity testing for a complete picture or can be taken separately.
Dutch hormone and adrenal testing is the gold standard in assessment of hormone markers. It provides actionable insights into hormone and metabolite levels across a range of markers (both male and female hormones) as well as Cortisol response and the health of the HPA axis (your stress response!). Whether you are riding the peri/menopausal rollercoaster, experiencing cycle issues, wishing to become pregnant, or a male experiencing andropause, there is a Dutch test for you!