The techniques and principles of Psychophysical healing have been used for centuries, a natural way of rebalancing the mental emotional and physical energy fields of the person.
Treatment covers 4 general areas:
- Removing the blocks due to accidents and surgical shock restoring the vitality and promoting healing to the body
- Building up and opening channels which have been blocked since birth or early childhood so that these channels can contain full charge of energy.
- Release the emotional blockages caused by past traumatic events without the need to relive them.
- Maintenance of good health by cleaning and balancing the energy of the person so the maximum well-being is encouraged.
The number of visits can vary from 1 to 10. Most troubles are resolved in 3 or 4 Sessions.
It is necessary to disrobe to underwear as clothing and metal can give a false indication of the way the energy is flowing.
Psychophysical Therapy is beautifully safe – no drugs, no surgery, no pain; just a smooth rebalancing of the body’s natural energies. the responsible psychophysical therapist will also suggest other treatment (even orthodox medicine) if it is warranted.