This week I spoke with Anthony from 2RE about how important it is to keep your liver in tip top shape …
It is so vitally important that people start connecting the dots. Your health actions today determine your health outcomes tomorrow.
Spring is the perfect time to clean out so let’s talk about our glorious liver. The largest internal organ and the most important organ of detoxification.
The liver is the largest blood reservoir in the body and is the blood filterer. Its processes removes damaged red blood cells and antibodies, removes and recycles any necessary circulating hormones (when addressing hormone issues one must address liver health) and is also a big player with absorbing the vitamin D from the blood, plays a role in stabilizing blood sugar and is responsible for the regulation of fat storage.
The liver has two phases of detoxification –
Phase one is burn and clear. Poisonous substances are broken down – those who have intolerances to perfume, chemicals, coffee may have an impaired phase one. Poor gut flora, Valium, aging, PPI’s, Prozac, SSRI’s, grapefruit, trauma and inflammation can all impair this phase. Vitamins A, B, C, selenium, cruciferous vegetables assist this phase.
Phase two takes those broken down segments from the toxins, marries them with compounds that allow them to go through six separate pathways. Any glitch here can mean your body is flooded with activated toxins (metabolites). This can result in extra fat storage and toxic accumulation leading to hormonal imbalances, exhaustion and brain dysfunction and premature aging. A prescription for disease.
I am learning that food is the carrier for microscopic nutrition and what we are eating is full of signals that enable our liver to do its job.
The liver will regenerate itself beautifully if you give it a chance – quality sleep, quality water, nutrient dense food, vitamins a, b and c, optimal nervous system function and a whole lot more.
Stay tuned for notice of our next ‘Gut Happy/Liver Loving’ Workshop