How great is it that we can make choices in how we live our life so it is a stronger, healthier life? Every day you invest in your health and a single thing you do could change your life and makes your brain or breaks your brain. When you know this it is truly empowering. Listen…
Like anything, your most powerful defence against brain disease is to educate yourself. Yes, you heard me correctly … Our most well-respected research provides overwhelming evidence that Alzheimer’s actually is, by and large, a preventable disease, and that by making some critical diet and lifestyle changes, you can significantly decrease your chances of developing this…
The shoulder is a pretty complicated joint, made up of three bones: the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collarbone) and humerus (upper arm bone). Two joints in the shoulder allow it to move: the acromioclavicular joint, where the highest point of the scapula (acromion) meets the clavicle, and the glenohumeral joint. Also, lots of muscles and…
It’s chilly for sure and there are a lot of sniffly noses around so, how do we do the best for our immune system to keep us strong and healthy. We have got the usual suspects of course – all the things that we talk about that will keep your system working at its optimal…
According to the Sleep Foundation, 33% of your life is spent sleeping. That’s a third of your life so the way you sleep should help, not hinder your spinal health. A good night’s sleep is essential for your overall health and wellbeing. (for many reasons). Listen further to find out how a good night’s sleep…
Linda’s 2RE health chat this week explains the importance of pre season health scans, and the impact they can have on your performance. And a special appointment introduced to our practice to accommodate your needs.
This weeks 2RE Health Chat with Linda is about all things Justine….With over 15 years experience, Justine is now part of our team at Banks and Dade Chiro + Wellness. Click on the link to hear more about what Justine brings to our team. Justine’s hours are Monday mornings, all day Tuesdays and Friday …..
This week Linda discusses all things Back to School, including posture, backpacks, healthy eating, as well as how to spot if your child is struggling with the transition