Referred pain is a subject that Chiropractors are routinely asked about.You might be experiencing what you assume are minor aches and pains. These could occur anywhere in multiple forms, from tingling pain down the arms or legs to soreness in the hips. Often, the source of these pains is the spine, even when the pain…
Knee pain incidence is increasing with today’s active society. Knee pain has a wide variety of specific causes and treatments. The knee joint’s main function is to bend, straighten, and bear the weight of the body, along with the ankles and hips. The knee, more than just a simple hinged joint, however, also twists and…
The lower back is the area of the spine between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. There are five movable lumbar vertebrae with discs in between them. They are supported by strong surrounding muscles and ligaments with spinal nerves existing between each of the vertebrae. The pelvis articulates with the spine and provides…
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common natural occurring degenerative conditions of the body’s joints affecting people of all ages however it is more prevalent as we age. It is characterised primarily by a loss of cartilage around a joint, which helps to provide smooth gliding of a joint, and results in pain and…
Get your brain fizzing with energy. American researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for tasks which activate the brain’s own biochemical pathways and to bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits. Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a new route to work or choose your clothes based on…
With the NRL finals being conducted this month we are certainly going to see some rough & tough rugby as the final clubs strive to win the 2018 Premiership. At this time many local competitions are wrapping up & the rugby at these levels will just be as intense & many players are likely to…
Many people don’t eat enough of the right types of fat. Add healthy natural fats to your diet such as extra virgin olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and even butter. Fat is satiating and helps to prevent overeating. Fat also improves nutrient absorption from vegetables.